Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
Welcome to the Washington High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program. The Kansas 931st (KS-931) AFJROTC was established at Washington High School in the fall of 1993 by agreement between the Unified School District 500, Kansas City Kansas Public Schools, and Headquarters of the United States Air Force JROTC.
The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and the Aerospace Science Instructors (ASI) are retired U.S. Air Force commissioned and noncommissioned officers. These instructors have extensive professional military education and training, as well as many years experience teaching and training others.
The AFJROTC curriculum includes aerospace science, leadership instruction training, and a E2C/Wellness Program (Physical Training (PT)). Cadet officers and noncommissioned officers learn leadership and management skills by organizing and directing the KS-931st AFJROTC Wing. Our mission is simply developing citizens of character dedicated to serving the nation and community. (Enrollment in the corps in no way obligates the cadet for military service.)
The information contained on this website
may also be informative to principals, counselors, teachers, and parents.
The standards documented on this website support the leadership and personal development objectives of the AFJROTC program and if taken in the spirit in which it is intended will provide the foundation for a pleasant and profitable educational experience. It contains policy, guidance, requirements, and rules of conduct for all AFJROTC cadets at Washington High School. We recommend that both parents and cadets review the information contained on this website thoroughly. Cadets will be held responsible for its contents during daily activities and examinations while enrolled in AFJROTC courses at Washington HS.
We wish you success and personal satisfaction as a member of the Washington High School KS-931st Wing.
Critical 21st Century Professional Skills Training
It has been identified by businesses and corporations that today’s graduate job force is lacking skills needed to succeed. They are not lacking the technical knowledge, but are coming up short on what use to be termed “soft skills”. These needed skills are Leadership, Time Management, working in groups, Creativity, Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, and Problem Solving Skills.
It has gotten to the point that top universities and technical trade schools are adding classes to teach these skills. Here in USD 500 we already have a program that teaches these skills.
Air Force Junior ROTC
Offered exclusively at Washington High School.
You will learn to:
- Appreciate the ethical values that underlie good citizenship.
- To make ethical decisions based on core values.
- Develop leadership potential and learn to live and work cooperatively with others.
- Understand teamwork and leadership.
- Understand ways to resist negative peer pressure and support others.
- Give service to the community.
- Drill, to discipline yourself.
- Increase writing, reading, and test-taking skills.
- Use basic problem-solving and conflict resolution life skills.
- Fitness, wellness, and good nutrition are necessary to perform as a leader.
- Respect yourself and others.
12.Become familiar with military history as it relates to America’s culture and discover the role the military services play in defending our nation.
Washington HS Air Force Junior ROTC Instructor Staff
Lt. Col. Patrick McCormack, USAF (Retired)
Senior Aerospace Science Instructor
Major Rosalind Woody, USAF (Retired)
Aerospace Science Instructor
MSgt Richard DeLacy, USAF (Retired)
Aerospace Science Instructor
Lieutenant Colonel Patrick E McCormack: also known as the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI). Cadets will address him as “Sir” or “Colonel.” Lt Col McCormack is a retired Air Force officer and has the responsibility for managing the entire AFJROTC program here at Washington.
Major Rosalind Woody, Chief Master Sergeant Ira McKinney, and Master Sergeant Richard DeLacy: also known as Aerospace Science Instructors (ASI). Cadets will address them as Ma’am or Sir or as “Major”, “Chief”, or “Sergeant,” respectively.