Counseling Services
The faculty and staff at Washington High School are committed to supporting the mental health of all our students. Washington has an experienced team of mental health professionals who students and families can reach out to for help when needed.
Washington has a NEW student wellness website! Check it out at this link.
COVID-19 Resources
Rental Assistance Resource KERA
- Information about the Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) program
Mental Health Resources
Our team has also assembled resources for students and families seeking help. Hover over the red text and click to open each document.
Resources for Families
- How do I know if someone is really struggling and needs help, or is just going through a “rough patch?”
¿Cómo sé si alguien tiene dificultades realmente y necesita ayuda o si solamente está pasando una mala racha?
Youth Depression and Suicide: Myths and Facts
- It is important for all adults to learn the facts so that we can give young people accurate information and support.
Risk Factors, Warning Signs, and Precipitating Events of Suicide
- Suicide is complex. There are generally a number of factors that come together to increase a person’s risk.
How to Talk to your Kids about Suicide
Contrary to myth, talking about suicide CANNOT plant the idea in someone’s head! It’s something you CAN and SHOULD talk about with your children!
What to Do When a Friend of Your Child Attempts Suicide
It’s so important to talk to your child if you’re aware of any type of potentially unsafe behavior with their peers. You’d raise the topic if you learned that friends of your child were drinking or using drugs or doing other dangerous things – well, suicide is no different.
Resources for Students
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and down at times. However, when you or someone you know feels that way for more than a couple of weeks, it might be a sign of depression and time to ACT.
SOS Boletín Informativo Para Estudiantes
- Es normal que a veces te sientas abrumado y desanimado. Pero si tú o alguien que conoces se siente así por más de un par de semanas, eso podría ser un signo de depresión y el momento de actuar con ACT.
Common Questions About Depression
- What is depression? What causes depression? How can it be treated? And more questions are addressed in this document.
How To Get Help For Yourself Or A Friend
- The first step toward feeling better is asking for help.
If you need immediate help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text “Hello” to 741741 for free and confidential support 24/7.