According to the Kansas State Law, a student is truant if he or she is absent without a valid excuse for:
- 3 Consecutive Days
- 5 Days in a School Semester
- 7 Days in a School Year
According to the Kansas State Law, a student is truant if he or she is absent without a valid excuse for:
- 3 Consecutive Days
- 5 Days in a School Semester
- 7 Days in a School Year
Unexcused Reasons for Absences: Weather, transportation, missed bus, babysitter, out of town….. vacation.
** Parents, it is YOUR responsibility to call in your child’s absence each day before 7 a.m. Any absence lasting 3 or more days will require Official documentation from a doctor, dentist, caseworker, probation officer, and/or court official. Failure to call your student in will result in truancy.
Once a student has been truant, a referral is sent to the District Attorney’s office. The District Attorney will either place the student into a diversion program which the parents are required to participate or petitioned a court date.