Late Arrival to School Policy
To help our students become more successful in class, the following tardy policy will be instituted. As always, students will have a 5-minute passing period and are expected to be in class before the bell rings. If students are not in class before the tardy bell rings, students will report to Tardy Tracker in the West Office. We will administer the following consequences:
1st Offense: Warning (Automated Call Home)
2nd Offense: Warning (Automated Call Home)
3rd Offense: Administrative Detention & Automated Call Home
(2:30pm – 4:30pm) –
Transportation will NOT be provided.
4th Offense: Warning (Automated Call Home)
5th Offense: Administrative Detention (Automated Call Home)
(2:30pm – 4:30pm) –
Transportation will NOT be provided.
6th Offense: Warning (Automated Call Home)
7th Offense: Suspended till Parent Conference (Automated Call Home)
The Attendance Clerk or an Administrator will assign administrative detentions.